1310 Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, FL
June - July 2014
- "The Triumph of Detritus showcases "Rough Aesthetic of found items" by Andrea Richard for New Times
- "'The Triumph of Detritus' celebrates the art of recycling" by Philip Valys on SouthFlorida.com
- "The Triumph of Detritus" by Jamie Nix Rahn on Art South Florida
June - July 2014
- "The Triumph of Detritus showcases "Rough Aesthetic of found items" by Andrea Richard for New Times
- "'The Triumph of Detritus' celebrates the art of recycling" by Philip Valys on SouthFlorida.com
- "The Triumph of Detritus" by Jamie Nix Rahn on Art South Florida
Lisa Rockford presents a juried group exhibition of artists that morph raw, found, & unexpected debris into works of splendor.
Amy Santoferraro
Andrea Nhuch
Bobbi Meier
Cara-Lynne Krebs
Cara McKinley
Clara Varas
Gardner Cole Miller
Jee Park
Jennifer Pettus
Joe Locke
John Pack
Joni Younkins-Herzog
Joshua Hunter Davis
Judy Leeson Polstra
Kale Roberts
Kaleb Magnos
Katerina Friderici
Kb Bauhelm
Kerry Phillips
Kevin Curry
Matthew Schlagbaum
Megan Castellon
Michael Covello
Michelle A. M. Miller
Mike Bennion
Miranda Burns
Oscar H. Perez
Pip Brant
Randy Burman
Rose Romero
Ryan Farrell
Taylor Pilote
Yasmin Khalaf
Amy Santoferraro
Andrea Nhuch
Bobbi Meier
Cara-Lynne Krebs
Cara McKinley
Clara Varas
Gardner Cole Miller
Jee Park
Jennifer Pettus
Joe Locke
John Pack
Joni Younkins-Herzog
Joshua Hunter Davis
Judy Leeson Polstra
Kale Roberts
Kaleb Magnos
Katerina Friderici
Kb Bauhelm
Kerry Phillips
Kevin Curry
Matthew Schlagbaum
Megan Castellon
Michael Covello
Michelle A. M. Miller
Mike Bennion
Miranda Burns
Oscar H. Perez
Pip Brant
Randy Burman
Rose Romero
Ryan Farrell
Taylor Pilote
Yasmin Khalaf